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Work Based Learning

Program description: 

Rudsdale will continue to work on their partnership with the Peralta colleges to provide a minimum of 3 career exploration opportunities to the Peralta colleges of student's interests. All students are required to have a minimum of two work-based learning experiences (off site or here at the school) that they will share and reflect upon in their portfolio presentations.  The College and Career team schedules a variety of on campus and off campus activities to provide students with opportunities to visit college campuses, workplaces, and explore career options.

On Campus Events

Teachers bring a wide variety of speakers into their classrooms to provide students access to a wide variety of career professionals including: nurses, police dispatchers, bank employees, Tesla recruiter, photographer, barbers etc.  Where possible, we bring speakers who are pathway aligned to provide additional instruction for students.  For example we had nurses come to the Health pathway science classes to teach students how to provide emergency care (stop bleeding, support CPR etc).  

Rudsdale Career Symposium:

The Career Symposium is an event hosted on the Rudsdale campus in which approximately 30 professionals, from a variety of career fields, come to campus to participate in Q&A panels with students, mock interviews, support with building resumes and also learning about what it means to be professional in the workforce.


For the past two years students have had the opportunity to participate in the Crucible internship, urban farming internship, and a restorative justice internship.  We have also had a few students participate in an internship program at Highland hospital.