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Senior Portfolio


In order to graduate, students must complete their Senior Portfolio in addition to their required classes. 

The Senior Portfolio is a Graduation Requirement for Rudsdale High School.  The goal is to pick 4-5 pieces of work that you are proud of that demonstrate your learning and growth here at Rudsdale.  

The projects should all be gathered in a Google Folder.  If you want to include larger projects or artwork, you will have to take a picture to include in your Google Folder.  You will do a Google Presentation about the projects you choose, what skills you learned and how you’ve grown.

  1. Your Work -- Gather 4-5 pieces of work in your Google Folder (essays, original poems, artwork, posters, creative writing, etc.)
    • Choose one piece that demonstrates each of the following skills:
      • Google Drive Folder “Senior Portfolio--Last, First Name” with all of your projects:
      • Everything named “Last, First--Project Name”
    • Shared with:  Advisor, English 4 teacher, Portfolio Seminar

      Creativity  |  Research  |  Community Competence  |  Critical Thinking
  2. Presentation -- Make a Google Presentation describing the following for each piece:
    1. What is the project?
    2. Which skill does it demonstrate? (Creativity, Research, Community Competence, Critical Thinking)
    3. How did you move through the process of creating this?  (drafts, editing, revisions, etc)
    4. How did this piece stretch or challenge you?
    5. What did you learn from this project?
    6. Picture or copy of each piece.
    7. One slide introducing yourself, one slide on personal growth, and one slide on your graduation plans
  3. College and Career Materials -- You also need to include the following from your advisory class:
    1. Resume
    2. Letters of Recommendation (this should be from the staff person who knows you best)
    3. Professional Letter of Introduction
    4. Completed FAFSA--Created FSA ID
    5. Post High School Plan Essay
    6. One (1) elective class (class, Outdoor Excursion, Sports. APEX/PE will NOT fulfill this requirement)
    7. 2 Work Based Learning Experiences with written summary & reflection:
      • Career/College experience (ie: Career Exploration, College Visit, Community Service, Internship, etc.)

*START NOW: Put lots of effort into all of your class projects!  Start gathering final projects that you’re proud of into your folder!