Senior Portfolio
In order to graduate, students must complete their Senior Portfolio in addition to their required classes.
The Senior Portfolio is a Graduation Requirement for Rudsdale High School. The goal is to pick 4-5 pieces of work that you are proud of that demonstrate your learning and growth here at Rudsdale.
The projects should all be gathered in a Google Folder. If you want to include larger projects or artwork, you will have to take a picture to include in your Google Folder. You will do a Google Presentation about the projects you choose, what skills you learned and how you’ve grown.
- Your Work -- Gather 4-5 pieces of work in your Google Folder (essays, original poems, artwork, posters, creative writing, etc.)
- Choose one piece that demonstrates each of the following skills:
- Google Drive Folder “Senior Portfolio--Last, First Name” with all of your projects:
- Everything named “Last, First--Project Name”
- Shared with: Advisor, English 4 teacher, Portfolio Seminar
Creativity | Research | Community Competence | Critical Thinking
- Choose one piece that demonstrates each of the following skills:
- Presentation -- Make a Google Presentation describing the following for each piece:
- What is the project?
- Which skill does it demonstrate? (Creativity, Research, Community Competence, Critical Thinking)
- How did you move through the process of creating this? (drafts, editing, revisions, etc)
- How did this piece stretch or challenge you?
- What did you learn from this project?
- Picture or copy of each piece.
- One slide introducing yourself, one slide on personal growth, and one slide on your graduation plans
- College and Career Materials -- You also need to include the following from your advisory class:
- Resume
- Letters of Recommendation (this should be from the staff person who knows you best)
- Professional Letter of Introduction
- Completed FAFSA--Created FSA ID
- Post High School Plan Essay
- One (1) elective class (class, Outdoor Excursion, Sports. APEX/PE will NOT fulfill this requirement)
- 2 Work Based Learning Experiences with written summary & reflection:
- Career/College experience (ie: Career Exploration, College Visit, Community Service, Internship, etc.)
*START NOW: Put lots of effort into all of your class projects! Start gathering final projects that you’re proud of into your folder!